Okay to Go Slow with Prostate Cancer, a Slow Growing Cancer
Dr. Crawford discusses active surveillance vs surgery for prostate cancer. Click here to learn more #photo
Hold Your Horses, Older Men!
Dr. Crawford discusses how older men are less susceptible to die of prostate cancer. Click here to learn more #photo
Breaks From Cancer Therapy Don’t Give Men a Break
Dr. Crawford discusses how intermittent androgen deprivation therapy is not as powerful as continuous therapy in recurrent prostate...
A Man’s Genes Can Hurt His Cancer Outlook
Dr. Crawford discusses the link between prostate cancer and Lynch syndrome. Click here to learn more #photo
Bald is Beautiful, But Beware
Dr. Crawford discusses how prostate cancer risk in black men may be associated with early frontal baldness. Click here to learn more #photo
Refining Cancer Treatment Guidelines by Race
Dr. Crawford discusses how prostate cancer surveillance criteria may be different based on race. Click here to learn more #photo
Radiation Vs. Surgery for Prostate Cancer
Dr. Crawford discusses the long term survival rates of radiation vs. surgery for prostate cancer. Click here to learn more #photo
Huh? Exercise Does & Doesn’t Affect Cancer Risks
Dr. Crawford discusses how prostate cancer risks may be reduced with exercise in white but not black men. Click here to learn more #photo
Cancer Trends Nobody’s Talking About
Dr. Crawford discusses how cancer cases and deaths in US is estimated to increase in 2013. Click here to learn more #photo
Detecting Cancer, Measure by Measure
Dr. Crawford discusses how aggressive prostate cancer may be more accurately found through changes in PSA levels. Click here to learn...